
Established in 1996, Podiatry on Williamson is one of the most experienced and professionally equipped clinics in Bendigo.
Founded by Genevieve Green, we offer a wide range of general and comprehensive podiatry services from routine foot care, to childrens’ feet, to athletes, through to biomechanical anaylsis and management.

Shockwave Therapy– over 10 years experience

We have been treating patients with shockwave therapy since 2012 so you can have confidence you will receive trusted care backed with experience.

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Functional Foot Orthotics

Functional foot orthotics are just one of the tools podiatrists can use to get your feet functioning how they should. They are designed to improve your foot position, general body alignment and walking/running bio-mechanics. Orthotics are prescribed by an experienced podiatrist for a number of reasons

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Photodynamic Therapy for Fungal Toenails

Onychomycosis is a fungal infection of the nail that affect up to 1.6 million Australians. It is caused by fungus that thrives in humid and warm areas, for example in your shoes, socks, toe spacers, showers etc.

Podiatry on Williamson are now offering Bendigo an alternative…. Photodynamic Antimicrobial Chemical Therapy (PACT).

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Business Hours

Mon: 8:45am-5:00pm
Tues: 8:45am-6:00pm
Wed: 8:45am-5:00pm
Thurs: 8:45am-5:00pm
Fri: 8:45am-4:30pm

Call us today on 5441 8990 to make an appointment today!